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DHA Awarded 60 Mainstream Vouchers by HUD

Joseph Galvin, the HUD Midwest Region V Administrator, visited DuPage Housing Authority on Nov. 22nd to present an award of 60 Mainstream Vouchers totaling $603,058.

Mr. Galvin presented the big check to DHA Executive Director, Mr. Coles and DuPage County Board Vice-Chair, Mr. James Zay. Mainstream Vouchers are designated to assist the disabled, non-elderly population.

The HUD Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program provides tenant-based vouchers to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities (defined as a household composed of one or more persons 18 to 61 years of age with disabilities, which may include additional household members who are not non-elderly persons with disabilities), particularly those who are transitioning out of institutional or other separated settings; at serious risk of institutionalization; currently experiencing homelessness; previously experienced homelessness and currently a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project.

This program helps to further the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act by helping persons with disabilities live in the most integrated setting. The program also encourages partnerships with health and human service agencies with a demonstrated capacity to coordinate voluntary services and supports to enable individuals to live independently in the community.