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 How to Become a Participating Landlord

For a detailed overview of the program, please view our Landlord Flyer,   New Landlord Packet  Housing Quality Standards (A Self-Inspection Checklist),   A Good Place to Live,   Frequently Asked Questions

1. Find a tenant: A tenant may approach you with a Voucher or you can list your available unit/s for our tenants to view (seeGo Section8 below).

2. Approve a tenant: Even though a family is determined by DHA to be eligible for the program, landlords should then conduct their own tenant screening process and follow the same legal, non-discriminatory procedures they would use for any non-assisted applicant applying to rent their property. DHA knows that the owner has approved the family when the moving packet (RFTA, Request for Tenancy Approval) is submitted to our office. A tenant that is eligible to move will have the packet available for the owner.

3. Tenancy and Unit Approval by DHA: After the moving packet has been received and processed, DHA needs to perform a Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. If the unit does not pass inspection, a reasonable time will be given to make the required repairs.

4. Contracts and Leases: Once a unit passes the HQS inspection and meets program requirements, the tenancy can be approved. The owner and tenant will then enter into a lease together and the DHA will enter into a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract with the owner. After the HAP contract and lease are signed, the DHA will make payments to the owner as long as the family continues to meet eligibility criteria and the housing unit qualifies under the program regulations. (aka GoSection8) information:
List your unit for free on the GoSection8 website. It is a popular site visited by voucher holders searching for landlords that accept vouchers. DHA does not steer families to specific owners or rental units. (GoSection8) Property Listing Form ( Landlord sign up page

Submit a moving packet (RFTA)
Email:    or    Fax: 630-690-0702     or    Drop off/Mail 711 E. Roosevelt Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187

Helpful Documents:

Frequently Asked Questions

Housing Quality Standards (Self-Inspection Checklist) 

A Good Place to Live

Rent Increase Packet

Change of Ownership

Owner Declaration of Management

Move Packet

Landlord Cafe Registration Instructions



Effective March 1, 2020 DHA & KHA transitioned to biennial inspections (inspections being conducted every other year).To qualify, unit must pass 2 consecutive inspections on the first inspection attempt. Qualifying consecutive inspections are the Initial move-in inspection followed within 12 months by the first Annual inspection, or consecutive Annual inspections. Exceptions are special inspections and quality control inspections which can be conducted at any time with proper notice.
If a unit does not pass the inspection attempt and requires a re-inspection to be conducted, an Annual inspection will be required until the unit can pass two consecutive inspections on the first attempt - at which point the unit will be transitioned into biennial inspections. Owner, landlord, tenant or third party still reserve the right to request a special inspection.

Housing Opportunity Area Tax Abatement Program

The 2024 program is now closed.


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